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2017.10.20 Orthognathic surgery with simultanesou autologous fat transfer for correction of facial asymmetry/張呈欣醫師 VIEW MORE >
2017.10.19 美容醫學護理師專業職能之研究A Study on the Aesthetic Medicine Nurse of Professional Competence/范琇茹、曾漢棋、黃能堂 VIEW MORE >
2017.10.19 The Pi Graft for Correction of Severe Saddle Nose Deformity/蕭彥彰醫師 VIEW MORE >
2017.10.19 Delayed-On Edematous Foreign Body Granulomas 40 Years After Augmentation Rhinoplasty by Silicone Implant Combined with Liquid Silicone Injection/邱昱勳醫師 VIEW MORE >
2017.10.18 Eupafolin nanoparticles protect HaCaT keratinocytes from particulate matter-induced inflammation oxidative stress/李江文教授 VIEW MORE >
2017.10.18 Following Changes in the Axillary Secretions of Two Patients Before After Bromhidrosis Surgery Using Liquid ChromatographyMass Spectrometry/何文藻醫師 VIEW MORE >
2017.10.18 Factors associated with healthcare professional’s rating of disfigurement self-perceived body image in female patients with head neck cancer/陳淑卿教授 VIEW MORE >
2016.12.28 城市空氣懸浮微粒誘發環氧化酶表現及前列腺素的生成並且降低甲角蛋白導致皮膚屏障功能尚失/李江文教授 VIEW MORE >
2016.12.28 麥角硫因保護人類皮膚細胞對抗紫外線UVA誘導的氧化傷害/許游章教授 VIEW MORE >
2016.02.05 利用精微自體脂肪移植矯正上眼凹陷 Application of Microautologous Fat Transplantation in the Correction of Sunken Upper Eyelid/林才民、林聰穎、周志剛、林幸道、賴春生 VIEW MORE >
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